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Advanced | Range | Camera | Cable Type | Push Length | Monitor | Sonde | Full Specs |
mc30 Duo | 0.6" - 8" | KK13 KK29SL | Flexible push-pull 6.7 mm push rod | 30 ft. 100 ft. (up to 130 ft.) | 5.6" monitor | 512 Hz | View Product |
mc50 Duo | 2" - 16" | KK29SL KK55SL | 6.7 mm push rod 9.2 mm push rod | 65 ft. 200 ft. (up to 300 ft.) | 8.4" monitor | 512 Hz | View Product |
minCam360 | 3" - 16" | Pan & Tilt | 9.2 mm push rod | 200 ft. (up to 300 ft.) | 8.4" monitor | Tri-Band | View Product |
minCam360 Compact | 3" - 16" | Pan & Tilt | 9.2 mm push rod | 100 ft. | 8.4" monitor | Tri-Band | View Product |
mC Series | Range | Camera | Cable Type | Push Length | Monitor | Sonde | Full Specs |
minCord XL | 0.6" - 4.9" | KK13, KK18 | Flexible push-pull | 98 ft. | 3.5" monitor | 512 Hz | View Product |
minCord 5 | 0.5" - 3" | KK13 | Flexible push-pull | 50 ft. (up to 100 ft.) | 3.5" monitor | 512 Hz | View Product |
mc30 | 2" - 8" | KK29SL | 6.7 mm push rod | 100 ft. (up to 130 ft.) | 5.6" monitor | 512 Hz | View Product |
mc50 | 3" - 16" | KK55SL | 9.2 mm push rod | 200 ft. (up to 300 ft.) | 8.4" monitor | 512 Hz | View Product |
mc80 | 4" - 16" | KK55SL | 11.2 mm push rod | 400 ft. | 8.4" monitor | 512 Hz | View Product |
All specifications are subject to change without notice.

Frequently Asked Questions
Check out the answers to customer frequently asked questions. If your inquiry is not listed, please contact us at
How durable are your systems?
Our cameras are robust and low maintenance. At a recent trade show we demonstrated its toughness by using the camera to hammer nails into wood and also beat a screwdriver against the lens. The minCam camera will take a beating and keep on working.
How well can your cameras push P-traps?
The KK55SL 2″ self-leveling camera on our mc50 and mc50 Duo systems can push through a 4″ P trap. The KK29SL 1″ self-leveling camera on our mc30, mc30 Duo, and mc50 Duo systems can push through a 2″ P trap.
How good is your location transmitter?
Our 512 Hz sonde (standard) can be located up to 15 feet in cast iron pipe.
How long does the battery last?
A typical battery charge lasts for 2 hours. After approx. 500 cycles, the battery will still hold 80% of the charge. Batteries can be replaced by Rausch USA.
Where are minCams serviced?
The minCam camera and cables can be detached and swapped for a spare on the job site. If a minCam breaks, it must be sent to Rausch USA for repairs. The cable and camera can be detached from the system.
Can it be used with pipe inspection software?
Yes, it can be used with pipe inspection software. POSM, our software partner, has tested minCam with their POSM Portable system. The video out port enables the software to receive the video feed from minCam systems.
What is the maximum push length?
The mc80 is our unique long-distance push system which features 425 feet of 11.2mm cable. Each system has different maximum lengths:
- minCam360 – 300 feet
- mc50 / mc50 Duo – 260 feet
- mc30 / mc30 Duo – 160 feet
- mc15 / minCord – 100 feet
Are the camera heads interchangeable?
Yes, every camera head can be removed. Any straight-forward camera is interchangeable. We sell our systems in “sets” so that each cable, reel, and camera is matched up to the applications that you, the customer, need on the job. But you can always use other smaller or larger cameras on your system.
Interchangeable cameras make service and maintenance easier in case a camera needs sent for repair.
The SK50 pan & tilt camera only works with the minCam360, and the 360 only works with the SK50.
Are minCam systems waterproof?
All camera heads and cables are water tight, and each are rated individually on their respective product pages. The systems need to be covered and protected from the rain.
Do the systems come with an external keyboard?
All “mc” systems can be upgraded with an external keyboard to display on-screen text overlay. The mc50, mc80, and mc50 Duo can be upgraded with a keyboard which is integrated into the monitor case (special order only). The mc15, mc30, and mc30 Duo can have an external keyboard attached (special order only). The minCam360 features a standard integrated keyboard.
What do I do if the cable is damaged?
The minCam systems have a special feature – the connectors on both ends of the cable are identical. This means that if your cable is damaged but still functioning, you can swap the ends so that the damaged end is connected to the reel, where it won’t be subjected to strenuous conditions. Then, reattach the camera to the new cable end.
If your minCam cable is damaged and not working under any conditions, it can be serviced by Rausch USA.
What does "Dual Reel" and "Duo" mean?
These units have two (2) different push camera systems in the same cable reel frame, on an inner and outer reel. These effectively combine two other units into one: the mc30 Duo combines the minCord + mc30 and the mc50 Duo combines the mc30 + mc50.
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